Nathaniel's home!! We picked him up at 4 o'clock this morning!! Geof was so good about getting up, I think it was because he was excited to see Daddy's truck...and Daddy, too of course!! Nathaniel has to leave out Monday morning and he'll be gone for 3 weeks. So since he won't be here for Father's Day we went ahead and gave him
his gift. I haven't seen him laugh so hard in a long time. He got a big kick out of it and said that it definitely had to go in the truck!
I've started on a shrug for myself....gasp. Come to think of it this is the second thing I've crocheted for myself since I learned how. The first was a hanging plant holder thingy. Things are progressing slowly because my hands are
starting to swell now. It's hard to explain to anyone because the symptoms change almost daily. The tops of my hands are swelling now and I had to take my wedding ring off because that finger is effected now, too. If things get worse I may see a doctor. Who knows. That's all for now, I'm off to enjoy my husband's company. G'night!!
the boobieliscious pillow is hysterical. i can't even imagine it in a truck! how funny!
i hope your hands return to normal size & the doc is not needed.
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