Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's Alive!!!

Yeah yeah yeah, I know I suck at updating, but do you see that little countdown thing up there? Yeah. Christmas is! I've been busy crocheting, decorating, wrapping, baking, etc...all the necessary things that need doing to prepare for the upcoming holiday. I almost kinda like all the hectic-ness. I have all of my Christmas shopping done now with the exception of a diabetic cook book for my Grandmother and a pail for all the sugar free candy I got for my Grandfather. Not too shabby. I think this is the earliest I've ever been done shopping! Nathaniel asked me last night if I could whip up some doilies for his Grandmothers. I found two patterns that should be fairly simple but still look nice. Here's hoping I have enough thread to finish both projects. I really want to avoid WalMart at all costs for the next few weeks. I've been working on snowflakes too. I don't have a printer so sitting in front of the computer crocheting got a bit tedious (and was cutting into my tv time) so I started making the patterns up as I went along. I've been pleased with them so far. As soon as they are starched I'll post some pics. Well, there ya go, that's the update! Hope everyone is staying sane out there!


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