Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Does She Really Crochet?...

...yes, she does...er...I mean, I do. Really. I know it's been awhile since I've even mentioned crocheting anything so I decided to share with you today one of my works-in-progress. It's a doily from this book...

To be more specific it's called Pineapple Garden, and it will hopefully look like this...


For now, however, it looks like this...

Pineapple Garden In ProgressPineapple Garden In Progress 2

I'm using a size 7 hook and Aunt Lydia's size 10 crochet thread. The color in the pictures is a little off. In "real life" it's a little more green than gray-ish/blue-ish. Ugh, this is bugging me, here let me try to take a quick pic of the yarn for ya...


There, that's better. Hopefully you get the idea. It's a really pretty green, and my favorite color of tread at the moment. I've been working on it off and on for the past several weeks. Progress was interrupted by my vacationing. I really like the patterns in the book, they're easy to follow and the pictures are a great guide as well. Plus, I'm crazy about pineapples in crochet.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should definitely straighten out when you block it--I've had doilies that looked that ruffly before blocking that turned out fine.

Is that the Aunt Lydia's frosty green? I love that color.

8/02/2006 11:15 AM  
Blogger Mandi said...

Thanks Stacey...I should have added that I still lack a few more rows until it is finished and ready for blocking. As for the name of the color, I don't recall because I threw away the label.

8/02/2006 3:40 PM  

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