Blizzards & Other Stuff
...In happier news there's a blizzard at my house! No, not the real kind, just a ton of crocheted snowflakes. I've been bitten by the bug so bad and now I'm obsessed! I have 17 finished and I only needed to do 15. I'll give some as gifts, and some can live on my Christmas tree. I had an idea to sting some up side-by-side on fishing line and then attaching suction cups on either end and putting it in the back window of my car. Maybe next year.
Geof and I went to the dreaded WalMart today. I wanted to get a book of snowflake patterns but they didn't have any so I bought some more thread and some Stiffen Stuff, and some yarn to make a hooded scarf for my Grandmother for Christmas. Now here's the exciting me, anyway...on December 21-24 I will be joining Nathaniel out on the road!! I'm so excitied I could pee myself...but I won't so don't send any Poise pads please. I figured the snowflakes and the scarf would be good take-along projects. But I'm sure the scarf will be complete before then. Nathaniel and I both really need the time together. I'm interested to see first-hand all the bullshit he has to put up with. As a couple we've had a few rough patches and I'm really looking forward to the reconnect....and the sex...did I just say that?! Ha ha ha!!!
Last, but most definintely not least, I was Raok'd via my Christmas Wishlist at Crochetville yesterday. I got 4 skeins of Patons Cotton Top in a beautiful turquoise/aqua color. This yarn is soooo soft I can't help but feel it up every now and then. I tried to link the name but I can't find it on the internet so I'm guessing it isn't made any longer...which is a shame. Now I'm really going to have to think of something special to make with it.
Several months ago Deneen sent Geof a bunch of kid's books and a surprise cone of burgandy chenille yarn. I've been petting it for months now and just recently decided on a project using it. Dot of Crochet bythehook and Crochetville fame recently posted one of her fabulous designs and I've fallen hard for it. It's called "Elegant Lace Stole" and it's beautiful. But, then today over at Crochetville this scarf was posted. Now, I'm torn between the two so I've decided to come to you for help. Below is a nifty poll that will expire one week from today. Happy voting!!
{Sorry, I'm having html problems...the poll should be up soon...maybe}
Ok, blogger won't let me put the poll in my post so it's over there ---------> in the sidebar
Aww I wish it would snow @ my house. There hasn't been a blizzard here in the dirty south since 1993 LOL.
Anywho, Merry Christmas.....or Happy Holidays....
Love, Shiela
Hey sweetie,
I checked both patterns out (I have the CPAD calendar) and you'll have enough for both items. It's 1,500 ypp. For Dot's use the one strand and go down one hook size and check the starting chain length and adjust accordingly. For the other, use as is.
Have fun on the road.
I have something I plan to send out to you, but it'll be in January-
Amanda, thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog! I've found you, the boobie pillow woman! Yay! Cool. Okay, now I am adding you to my bloglines so I can keep up with what you're doing!
I've seen a few of the stoles - gorgeous. Looks like Deneen thinks you'll have lots to make both! Good to take on your road trip! That's nice you can do that together,
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