Damn it, I want to knit!! Don't get me wrong, I
love my crochet but when it comes to clothing I think knitted fabrics just look cleaner. My mom taught me to knit many moons ago but I could never get my tension right or something because the ends of my rows were very loose. Plus she only taught me one stitch. She forgot how to cast off (is that the word?) so I didn't learn that either. Needless to say I have zero finished knitted works. She taught me to crochet (granny squares) in much the same way, but I picked that up a lot faster and taught myself the other stuff by reading a lot of books and surfing the web(changing colors, finishing off, different stitches, etc). I've tried reteaching myself to knit from books but I'm not having much success.
My first love is crochet, but I learned to knit for much the same reason!
This website http://www.knittinghelp.com/ has REALLY helpful videos. I can't learn anything from pictures in a book.
HTH :-)
i found that annie modesitt's site helped me a bit because I knit a bit strange... also, the target knit kits have dvds, and watching someone else knit always helps (so a real person would work, too)! I'm feeling a lot better about my knitting these days (my crochet is still better), but it took a while. :) good luck!
Thanks ladies!! I can use all the help I get!
No, not you too! I will not learn to knit out of principle. Knitters think they're better than us......we must unite! Damn you Amanda!!!!!
Knitting is hard. I gave away my needles. Hope you have better luck than I did!
Deneen you butthole! I literally laughed out loud at that and now Geof's awake...thanks a lot!! But I still think you're cool. Thanks for the support Lynlee!
Ditto what Jen wrote about http://www.knittinghelp.com/ The videos are great. I recently learnt long tail cast on from there after not being able to "get it" from reading just instructions.
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