Saturday, January 22, 2005

sweaters peas and nostrils

So I've been taking apart a sweater that I purchased from Express several years ago. It's very bulky and makes me look pregnant. In fact, I was very pregnant when I bought it. Anyhoo, I like the yarn, so I'm recycling very cool of me, no? It's a slow process, but hopefully it will be worth it. I think I may crochet myself a poncho. Or not. I'm not sure. If I had a digital camera I'd post a pic, but I don't, so I can't, therefore I won't.
I realize that this next piece of news has nothing to do with crochet, however, this is my blog!! Today I became the proud owner of a classic "Things Little Boys Do" story. You see, lately my son has discovered his nose and the holes in his nose and he's become quite fascinated with it all. This afternoon at lunch he figured out that fingers are not the only things that fit nicely in those holes. My son stuffed a pea into his nostril!!!! We aren't sure if there was only one, either. He hasn't had any difficulty breathing so we haven't taken him to the doctor or anything like that. I always knew growing up that any kid of mine would probably be the kind that did weird stuff like that. Not that I ever did....but I knew that's how karma would work. At least there's never a dull moment around here!!

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